The name CA.SA. Dentistry has its origins in the initials Carrilho and Sakima. Drs. Guilherme Paes de Barros Carrilho and André Sakima Serrano first met during the Graduation at the Bauru Dental School course at the Bauru Dental School - University of São Pauloand were classmates in the residency course in Implantology at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Cranio-Facial Anomalies (HRAC-USP/Bauru). From this emerged a friendship that spans more than 20 years. With a similar way of conducting clinical cases and treatment philosophy, always striving for excellence, a professional partnership emerged, materialized in our clinic .

Dr. Guilherme Paes de Barros Carrilho followed the path of Implantology, Periodontics and Dental Esthetics with specialization and masters courses. He is part of a prestigious team of professors at the Implanteperio Institute in São Paulo, with whom he is the author of book chapters (Perio-Implantodontia Estética and Esthetic Perio-Implantology) and scientific articles. Despite this, he always kept his activities in the private clinic as his main focus. "The main reason for our efforts is to offer the best to our patients, with better materials, better techniques and better service", says Dr. Guilherme.

Dr. André Sakima Serrano followed the path of Implantology and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, with focus on Orthognathic Surgery (Fellow at Vilnius - Lithuania), TMJ Surgery (author of book chapters) and Zygomatic Implants giving national and international lectures. He is part of a team of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in São Paulo, always maintaining his activities in the private clinic as the main focus of his work. “The satisfaction of our patients and the international recognition of our clinic makes us believe that we are on the right path, in the search for the excellence”, says Dr. André.

In 2020, our clinic was invited to join the worldwide known ZAGA Centers Group, originally based in Barcelona, Spain. It is an international group with expertise in the rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla with implants, where treatments are carried out sharing current best practices. In our clinic you will be treated by a team of specialized profes-sionals that offers you the highest quality and technology for each unique situation. We want you to feel welcomed and cared for. Patient satisfaction over 20 years of experience is our greatest pride and what motivate us.

Welcome and be part of our history!

We are here for you